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Message Contest Candidate Messenger Tone
Donna Lynne 6/12 TV ad Governor Donna Lynne Donna Lynne positive
Stapleton on Mitchell 6/10 Governor Victor Mitchell Walker Stapleton contrast
Polis on Stapleton TV ad 9/7 Governor Walker Stapleton Jared Polis negative
Walker Stapleton Courage ad May Governor Walker Stapleton Walker Stapleton positive
Polis response TV ad 6/5 Governor Jared Polis Jared Polis contrast
Bold Colorado TV ad 6/7 Governor Cary Kennedy Bold Colorado negative
Better Colorado Now 8/25 Governor Walker Stapleton Better Colorado Now contrast
Teachers for Kennedy 5/29 ad Governor Cary Kennedy Teachers for Kennedy contrast
Mitchell on Stapleton 6/7 mail Governor Walker Stapleton Victor Mitchell contrast
Frontier Fairness 6/6 mailer Governor Michael Johnston Frontier Fairness positive
Sierra Club TV ad 6/6 Governor Jared Polis Sierra Club IEC positive
Jared Polis baseball mailer 6/4 Governor Jared Polis Jared Polis positive
Mitchell on Stapleton TV ad 6/4 Governor Walker Stapleton Victor Mitchell negative
Stapleton 6/2 mailer Governor Walker Stapleton Walker Stapleton positive
Teachers for Kennedy 6/2 mail Governor Jared Polis Teachers for Kennedy negative
Johnston door hanger 0601 Governor Michael Johnston Michael Johnston positive
Bush TV ad 05/31 Governor Walker Stapleton Victor Mitchell negative
Frontier Fairness 6/2 mailer Governor Michael Johnston Frontier Fairness positive
Sierra Club mailer 6/7 Governor Jared Polis Sierra Club IEC positive
Teachers for Kennedy 5/31 mail Governor Jared Polis Teachers for Kennedy negative
Teachers for Kennedy 5/25 mail Governor Cary Kennedy Teachers for Kennedy positive
Mitchell 6/2 mailer Governor Victor Mitchell Victor Mitchell positive
Frontier Fairness May 21 Governor Michael Johnston Frontier Fairness informative
Frontier Fairness NRA mailer Governor Michael Johnston Frontier Fairness positive
Frontier Fairness 6/23 mailer Governor Michael Johnston Frontier Fairness positive