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Message Contest Candidate Messenger Tone
Leading CO on Priola 9/15 HC Senate District 25 Kevin Priola Leading Colorado Forward negative
Senate Majority on Winter 9/15 Senate District 24 Faith Winter Senate Majority Fund negative
Senate Majority on Winter 9/22 Senate District 24 Faith Winter Senate Majority Fund negative
Senate Majority on Winter 9/25 Senate District 24 Faith Winter Senate Majority Fund negative
GOP on Crow 9/25 6th CD Jason Crow Colorado Republican Committee negative
Senate Majority Pettersen 9/19 Senate District 22 Brittany Pettersen Senate Majority Fund negative
Leading CO on Priola 9/9 Senate District 25 Kevin Priola Leading Colorado Forward negative
Spanish anti-trans ad 10/27 none None America First Legal Foundation negative
Bloomberg Trump billboard 2/28 President Donald Trump Michael Bloomberg negative
Yes on 301 Nov. 3 Broomfield ballot question None Citizens for a Safe and Healthy Broomfield negative
Better Colorado Now Polis 9/19 Governor Jared Polis Better Colorado Now negative
Senate Majority Danielson 10/2 Senate District 20 Jessie Danielson Senate Majority Fund negative
Conservatives on Saine, Kulmann 8th Congressional District multiple Colorado Conservatives for Retaking Congress negative
No on 301 Oct. 31 letter Broomfield ballot question None Vote No on 301 negative
CO GOP on Biden 9/5 President Joe Biden Colorado Republican Committee negative
Leading Co on Staiert 9/18 Senate District 27 Suzanne Staiert Leading Colorado Forward negative
No on 301 Oct. 23 mailer Broomfield ballot question None Vote No on 301 negative
CO GOP on Hickenlooper 9/22 U.S. Senate John Hickenlooper Colorado Republican Committee negative
Senate Majority Danielson 9/24 Senate District 20 Jessie Danielson Senate Majority Fund negative
GOP on Crow 9/24 6th CD Jason Crow Colorado Republican Committee negative
Fairness on Sanchez 9/7 mailer Senate District 22 Tony Sanchez Coloradans for Fairness negative
Leading Co on Staiert 8/28 Senate District 27 Suzanne Staiert Leading Colorado Forward negative
Stapleton sanctuary cities Governor Walker Stapleton Better Colorado Now negative
BoE Kathy Gebhardt 06/11 Board of Education Kathy Gebhardt Progressives Supporting Teachers and Students negative
Fairness-Martinez Humenik 9/15 Senate District 24 Beth Martinez Humenik Coloradans for Fairness negative