Messenger: Leading Colorado Forward

Candidate: Kevin Priola

Contest: Senate District 25

Affiliation: R

Date delivered: Sept. 9, 2020

Click here for message

Message type: mailer

Message tone: negative

About the message:

This mailer from Democratic super PAC Leading Colorado Forward criticizes state Sen. Kevin Priola, a Republican, for votes on issues of reproductive health, saying he voted against requring insurance coverage for basic materinty care (in 2010), against measures to reduce teen pregnancy and more. None of the votes occurred after his Senate election in 2016.

Priola faces Democrat Paula Dickerson in an Adams County district that is considered to tilt Democratic in 2020.

About the messenger:

Leading Colorado Forward is a state super PAC working to elect Democrats to the state Senate.

The messenger's money:

The group's donors include national nonprofit America Votes, New Belgium Brewery founder Kimberly Jordan, Noble Energy, Extraction Oil& Gas, Unitedhealth Group PAC and a range of other businesses and individuals.