Messenger: Conservation Colorado

Candidate: Julie Gonzales

Contest: Senate District 34

Affiliation: D

Date delivered: Jan. 8, 2020

Click here for message

Message type: mailer

Message tone: positive

About the message:

This mailer from Conservation Colorado commends Sen. Julie Gonalzes and Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez for "voting to protect our environment 100% of the time." That's based on the environmental nonprofit's 2019 legislative scorecard that ranked lawmakers on their votes on climate issues, public health, improved air quality and protecting the environment. It's among several mailers the group sent coinciding with the opening of the 2020 legislative session Jan. 8. Gonzales is not up for re-election until 2022.

About the messenger:

Conservation Colorado is a nonprofit environmental group that works on climate change, protecting land, water and wildife. The group supports candidates, mostly Democrats, who support their legislative initiative.

The messenger's money:

Because it is a nonprofit, Conservation Colorado doesn't have to disclose its donors. It also operates an independent spending committee, which is largely funded by the national nonprofit League of Conservation Voters.