Messenger: Colorado Republican Committee

Candidate: Joe Biden

Contest: President

Affiliation: D

Date delivered: Sept. 4, 2020

Click here for message

Message type: mailer

Message tone: negative

About the message:

This mailer from the Colorado Republican Party says that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will raise taxes, endorses the Green New Deal and will open borders, picturing the former vice president with Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent.

The mailer cites news articles as sources for its claims. But Biden's plan is to raise taxes on those making $400,000 a year, not on seniors or middle income families (unless you consider $400,000 a year middle income). While his plan to combat climate change resembles the Green New Deal, there are differences that upset activists on the left. The plan would be paid for with higher corporate taxes. It's likely that Biden would reverse many of President Donald Trump's executive orders on immigration, increase work visas that Trump has sharply curtailed and more.It should be noted that Biden voted for funding of a border wall when he was in the Senate in 2006.

About the messenger:

The Colordado Republican Committee is the federal fundraising arm of the Colorado Republican Party.

The messenger's money:

This federal political party committee may take up to $10,000 in individual donations. But a significant portion of the group's money in the 2020 cycle comes from the Republican National Committee.