Messenger: Colorado Values Project

Candidate: Brittany Pettersen

Contest: Senate District 22

Affiliation: D

Date delivered: July 17, 2018

Click here for message

Message type: mailer

Message tone: positive

About the message: This mailer from the Colorado Values Project highlights state Rep. Brittany Pettersen's accomplishments, but no where does it mention that she's running for state Senate. Nor does it suggest anyone vote for her. Because it doesn't use the "magic words" of "vote for" or "vote against," the money spent on this mailer doesn't need to be disclosed by the nonprofit that sent it. The mailer mentions Pettersen's work on health care, education and on behalf of working families.

About the messenger: Colorado Values Project is a nonprofit formed in August 2017. It's unclear who's behind the group; we're reaching out to those connected with it. The group's website says it's "protecting the Colorado way of life."

The messenger's money: Because the group is a nonprofit, there's no way to find out who is funding it, although the group is collecting donations via Act Blue.