Messenger: Colorado Republican Committee

Candidate: Donald Trump

Contest: President

Affiliation: R

Date delivered: May 15, 2020

Click here for message

Message type: robocall

Message tone: positive

About the message:

This robocall praises President Donald Trump for taking action to end Chinese travel in late January, while criticizing Democratic challenger Joe Biden. has deemed the call misleading. The call also has been used in other states.

"I'm calling to give you an important update on President Trump's response to COVID-19 and how it saves American 's lives despite Beijing Biden's attempts to rewrite history and downplay China's role in the coronavirus pandemic. President Trump's decision to restrict travel to and from China on January 31st, 2020, saved millions of lives. Beijing Biden accused President Trump of hysteria, xenophobia and fear mongering before finally agreeing with President Trump's decision in April. Beijing Biden's son Hunter signed a $1.5 billion deal with a Chinese investment fund and made $80,000 per month from China in the months leading up to the coronavirus outbreak. President Trump is the right person to lead us through the coronavirus pandemic, and his first priority is the health and safety of the American people. Not his family's pocket book. This call is paid for by the Colorado Republican Committee."

About the messenger:

The Colordado Republican Committee is the federal fundraising arm of the Colorado Republican Party.

The messenger's money:

This federal political party committee may take up to $10,000 in individual donations. But a significant portion of the group's money in the 2020 cycle comes from the Republican National Committee.