Messenger: Deven Shaff

Candidate: Deven Shaff

Contest: Broomfield City Council Ward 3

Affiliation: None

Date delivered: Nov. 1, 2017

Click here for message

Message type: mailer

Message tone: positive

About the message:

This mailer reminding residents to return their ballots emphasizes Deven Shaff's work at a nonprofit, as well as concern for the wellbeing of Broomfield families.

About the messenger: Deven Shaff is a former opera singer who moved to Broomfield in 2005. He's chairman of the Broomfield Cultural Council. He's endorsed by the Broomfield County Democrats.

The messenger's money: Shaff has raised more than $22,000 from a variety of sources, including $500 from Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who is also a candidate for governor.